Thursday, September 27, 2007

Grandmother speaks of Xun Xun

The age reports on the grandmother interview

Ms Liu said Qian Xun told her: "Mummy is asleep now. She got up and then went to sleep again.

"Daddy left me at the train station. I don't know where he has gone."

Mrs Liu, an executive in a hotel and property group, fought tears as she spoke of the first time she saw the footage of a lost and lonely Qian Xun.

"When myself and my family saw the footage of Qian Xun at the foot of the escalator in a Melbourne train station looking around, we all burst out crying.

"I didn't think that the last time I saw my daughter in February this year would be the final goodbye," she told Chinese TV. "I am very, very sad."

Mrs Liu said Qian Xun became anxious whenever she left the room. "She is worried that I just disappear at any moment and abandon her somewhere she didn't know," Ms Liu said through a translator.

She said her granddaughter wanted to go back to China, where she has spent time in the past.


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