Monday, August 29, 2005

Government in NZ

No Right Turn notes
If the government spent $100 a year:

* $20 would go on health;
* $18 would go on education;
* $13 would go on superannuation;
* $11 would go on other benefits, including family support, the accommodation supplement, and ACC;
* $7 would go on other expenses;
* $5 would go on police and the courts;
* $5 would go on repaying Muldoon's debts;
* $4 would go on core government services;
* $4 would go on roads;
* $3 would go on defence;
* $3 would go on the DPB;
* $2.25 would go on the invalids benefit;
* $2 would go on student loans;
* $2 would go on the unemployment benefit;
* 75 cents would go on the sickness benefit;
* 0.0054 cents would go on hip-hop tours.


If the government spent $100 a year:

* 34% would go on benefits consisting of
* $13 would go on superannuation;

Go to work old people... or get the unemployment/sickness benefit.

* $21 would go on other benefits

Note I add together the benefits because it is stupid to count them separately when you counted things like health as a single unit.

* $20 would go on health;
There is probably a bit of fat to cut out of this. Too many people using the hospital as a GP or any of a hundred different situations where hard decisions need to be made.

* $18 would go on education;
Close all those schools that we wanted to close before because they were inefficient. I don’t care about the protest. Again there is lots of fat to cut here of note is the extremely fatty universities that are always complaining they don’t have enough money. And yet are raking in a thousand dollars an hour or so for a class. (Money gets wasted on useless research, not that al research is useless, inefficient use of resources and so forth)

* $7 would go on other expenses;

Other? Sounds like a code word for "can save money"

* $5 would go on police and the courts;

Not much eh... could spen some more here if we freed up a bit elsewhere

* $5 would go on repaying Muldoon's debts;

We can get rid of this in time if required

* $4 would go on core government services;

Core? Sounds like someone wants to break up "other" and "core" etc to make them look smaller.

* $4 would go on roads;


* $3 would go on defence;

Help the Indonesians are coming - oh wait them aren’t....


Blogger Anita said...

Taking away National Super will just push old people onto the sickness or unemployment benefits, or into jobs which means that someone else will be unemployed. So I can't see you saving anything there.

For health, I reckon if you get any efficiency savings you should just plow it back into Health Services. There are enough people who can't get the health care they need now.

Probable the same argument with Education - any savings should go into lowering class sizes, boosting special education services, remedial literacy and numeracy...

So that doesn't look like a whole lot of savings :)

2:14 AM  
Blogger Genius said...

> Taking away National Super will just push old people onto the sickness or unemployment benefits, or into jobs which means that someone else will be unemployed.

there is no limited number of jobs. Unemployment is created by things such as
1) the time spent searching for a job
2) employers risk aversion towards certain sets of people
3) employees risk adversion towards rejection
For example, if the above factors were extreme there would be negligable employment.
Also I want older peopel on the sickness or unemployment benefits since htey are either sick or unemployed treating them any other way is age discrimination.

1:09 AM  

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