Friday, June 09, 2006

Mav Phil goes utilitarian

Unon seeing hte death of Al-Zarqawi, Maverick philosopher converts to utilitarianism
"Presumably, it is the value of human life that makes it wrong to take human life. But if the value of human life demands of us that we not take it, how can it not also demand of us that we take steps to prevent the taking of it? And if the prevention requires the taking of human life, then the very value that demands of us that we not take human life demands of us that we take it in some circumstances."

In the comments it is noted
"A few surviving parents have declined to call for the death (execution) of those who murdered their offspring."
In a sense I agree with Mr Berg and the commenter in that I would not call for the death of a person (as a utilitarian I think that is VERY rarely the only option) BUT at the same time I agre with MP - IF it is the only option I would take it. S effectively dont kill the murderer on death row but you can kill the murderer who is on the run (under some circumstances and al-zarqawi was probably one of those).


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